DARE-UK & CLASS International Summer School on Global Greenhouse Gases
10 – 16 July 2022 National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK
Applications Closed
This intensive 1-week course is aimed at PhD students and post-doctoral researchers in the natural sciences who want to develop a solid understanding of the role of key greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the Earth system and the processes that govern their dynamics in the atmosphere, ocean and biosphere.

The residential course for 25 participants will be based at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton and comprises a combination of lectures, practical exercise, seminars and field/lab work. Organised by international experts in oceanography, atmospheric science and terrestrial biogeochemistry, the course will provide:
- theoretical background on the role of greenhouse gases in the Earth System
- field excursions and practical demonstrations in how to measure and model fluxes
- interaction with leading experts in the field
- the opportunity to network with other early-career scientists with similar interests.
Topics will include:
- Greenhouse gases in ocean, atmosphere and biosphere
- Instrumentation for measuring greenhouse gases: theory and practice
- Process modelling of greenhouse gas fluxes
- Satellite observations of greenhouse gases

Staff will be drawn from various institutions, including researchers from the Universities of Bristol, Exeter, Leicester and others, and UK research centres including the National Oceanography Centre, National Physical Laboratory and others.
All participants will be expected to present a poster on their research during the summer school.
The course will run from Sunday, 10th July, to Saturday, 16th July 2022.
There is a course fee of £375, payable before the course.
This (heavily subsidised) course fee includes all accommodation, meals and field trips during the summer school. Accommodation is in single ensuite rooms.
How to apply
Applications now closed. Places are limited to 25; we will allocate places based on the information you provide in the application form. We will inform you in March 2022 whether you have been accepted.
The course is open to all PhD students and early career scientists, both from the UK and other countries.
If you have any questions about the summer school or the application process, please contact Stephan Matthiesen (info@stephan-matthiesen.de).
The Summer School is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council as part of the DARE-UK project, and CLASS (Climate-Linked Atlantic Sector Science) project. DARE-UK is a NERC highlight topic NE/S004211/1, CLASS is a NERC National Capability programme (https://projects.noc.ac.uk/class-project/, NE/R015953/1). Additional support is provided by the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton.
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